Friday, 17 August 2007 @ 21:49
OraL DAe!!!
today's such a astounising daY! i was in e waiting room..awaiting 4 e timE 4 oral..i was thinking wasnt so stressful actually..and slowly building up my confidence and alas!i was already in e oral rm..though i felt nervous..aft e passage read aloud..felt a sense of i went on and on..didnt felt so nervous as b4!den ah ha!i had actually finished e oral without reali realising it! dis least e oral wasnt as tough as i had tot!
Wednesday, 15 August 2007 @ 20:05
GREAT_mOvie_ Day..
HaLLLOO pEople..Kinda of enjoyEd my day alot today..including goin out wib dar's WAS a veri..veri..surprsing experience 4 me perhaps..lols..anw today jus turn out fine..felt her bro was pretty sociable person..nice guy overall..& nice movie sia the Secret..a touching movie..though we all had different thoughts and feelings abt e moviE..(notice i alrdy memorise e oral tips in my brain liaos) i too hardworking?Perhaps..=p..btw nice movie equals a good mood for e rmb to watch e movie..its a movie worth e money..den went yoshinoya den had a seriously terrible stomachache..stupid toilets were all ren til e pain went away..hais..poor thing la mE..rite..?haha..anw went wib dar fiona and frm dere went hm..wat a day..but interesting day..wonder wat wil tmr bring..
Monday, 13 August 2007 @ 20:47
A NormaL DAe..
AIYO!..During these national day..i had quite an experience bout it myself..A BRAINLESS guy got himself into deep trouble and did some stupid stuff..though i haf to admit he had me..but hope he can learn frm e incident..haiss..n plus..Didnt expect myself to score a B4 for mt "O" levels..dunno whether sld rejoice or be disappointed..but since haf to retake..I'll work hard for an distinction..Actually can score de lo..dunno wat doing i.."SIGH"..I'm A PRO LEA!!!=x..anw today's a great day wib all my broz..did quite a fair of revision mayb things can work out lyk it did b4..hope i haf enuf time left..C yA gUys around!O.o..Btw..CONGRATS to all those who doesnt nid to retake O lvl mt exams!!C YA!